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Pneumatic manipulators with articulated rigid arms and parallelogram for vertical movement. Designed to guarantee maximum and precise handling of loads. Ideal for handling offset loads or rotation and ...
Steel cable pneumatic manipulators for handling balanced loads. They are distinguished from the rest because of their rapidity, thanks to the vertical excursion of the double steel cables. Lightweight ...
Overhead trolley mounted pneumatic manipulators on tracks, characterised for stable vertical movement on a linear guide. Lightweight and compact. It is suitable for working areas, where restricted spa ...
Lever actionable pneumatic manipulators with controllable vertical movement and render load handling easy, natural and highly precision. With their lightness and astonishing agility, handling time in ...
Manipolatore bilanciatore di carico azzeratore di peso sacchi.
Manipolatore sacchi ATIS brevetto nr EP 2 762 436 A1
manipolatore sacchi, sollevatore sacchi a ventosa con brevetto ATIS
Manipolatore pneumatico sacchi ATIS, bilanciatore sollevatore sacchi
Manipolatore ATIS promiscuo scatole sacchi fusti, sollevatore sacchi, bilanciatore , azzeratore di peso
Bilanciatore manipolatore pneumatico ATIS ventosa sacchi inox
Manipolatore ATIS sacchi per ambiente antideflagrante norma ATEX
Manipolatore ATIS bilanciatore sollevatore sacchi e scatole con maniglie telescopiche
Manipolatore ATIS per sacchi con pinza pneumatica
Braccio manipolatore ATIS con ventosa sacchi scatole con maniglie allungate
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